Global Villages Network

local community - global networking

Research about the highest potentials of local communities in the age of digital technology and virtual cooperation.

Featured pages

Background What are Global Villages ?




GLocal and what to do after RIO-20 ? 1 Reply

Started by Heiner. Last reply by Franz Nahrada Jul 27, 2012.

Join me for WizIQ’s first Wednesday Webinar!

Started by Mark Cruthers Mar 21, 2012.

The Gulf Strean & the Global Environment 1 Reply

Started by Franz Hrazdira. Last reply by Franz Nahrada Dec 28, 2011.

Global Villages Yahoogroup = Our Mailing List at Yahoo. please subscribe - <a href="">here</a>


Important Announcement

Global Villages Network Meeting

coming up in Vienna,

beginning of May 2013 - stay tuned!


This network is currently kept for archive purpose - we chose the NING Mini plan and we have reached the level of 150 members. We will keep you posted where the new epicenter of the global villages network will be or if we choose to upgrade here. In the meantime find the many branches of our growing tree with Franz Nahrada



The founding declaration of the Global Villages Network (then still Global Village Network) (16th February 1997, Vienna City Hall)

"One of the most powerful potentials that we are just beginning to unleash, is the feeling that in a time of increased global competition, diminuishing resources and growing uncertainty we have to use our local resources more wisely and that we can increasingly do so with the access to global knowledge, the sharing of experiences, the division of mental labour and the local connectedness that new information technologies make possible. The discovery of the full potential of this combination between local resources and global knowledge is the purpose of the GLOBAL VILLAGE NETWORK."

see full text here
visit sister sites:
* Our wiki and our mailing list
* globalvillages@worknets

Speech excerpts from a Vienna Workshop. Franz Nahrada about the necessity of villages:

Sorry there are two slight flaws in the speech, but I think the big picture is important. "rural areas" and "urban areas" are mixed up twice.

Latest Activity

Profile IconChristian Fuchs and Pradeep Sapkota joined Global Villages Network
Apr 1, 2015
caroline zeller updated their profile
May 6, 2014
Franz Nahrada updated their profile
Mar 29, 2014
Paola Prado updated their profile
Apr 20, 2013
Jeff Archambeault is now a member of Global Villages Network
Dec 18, 2012
Zoran Mitrovic updated their profile
Dec 6, 2012
Franz Nahrada replied to Heiner's discussion GLocal and what to do after RIO-20 ?
"Heiner, beim besten Willen kann ich aus Deiner Kommunikation keine Botschaft rausdestillieren ...."
Jul 27, 2012
Heiner posted a discussion

GLocal and what to do after RIO-20 ?

Has someone thought about making our motto: "local community - global networking"  real?Anyone seen the use of the terrm GLocal "invented" in 1990 (Wikipedia) for something real to point at ! even when this seems "mind…See More
Jul 24, 2012

help us fill our new calender:

Blog Posts

A new years message to Globalvillagers

A new years message to Globalvillagers


                "We are the ones who still seem to be figuring out...

       to be the ones we've been waiting for."

                Tom Atlee,

A happy new year 2011 to everybody, be it via the mailinglist or other channels !

I have not written to the communit(ies) for quite a long time and want to give an update on many points… Continue

Posted by Franz Nahrada on January 11, 2011 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

June 2010 letter to the Globalvillages Community

This post goes -identically - to the members of the NING Group 'Global Villages Network' and to the members of the yahoogroup 'globalvillages'.

This is going to be a rather lengthy letter with many messages overdue - and therefore it makes sense to start right away with a table of contents:

thank you for the effort to read this!



Top News

1. State of Global Villages Network, NING… Continue

Posted by Franz Nahrada on June 2, 2010 at 6:06pm — 15 Comments

Message from Russia.

Recently our friend Gleb Tyurin organized a high level meeting on innovative ways in rural development in the Region of Vologda (between Moscow and Archangelsk). A group of experts and local and federal policy makers awaited dialogue with external participants via videobridge. To my bad surprise, Gleb seemed to be very nervous in the morning when the conference started. We could only connect shortly and… Continue

Posted by Franz Nahrada on June 2, 2010 at 10:00am

A clarification (especially concerning our friends in Russia)

I have gained some attention in Russia after writing to the governor of Archangelsk about an opportunity to support sound rural development with the help of a Global Villages Network. This network is supposed to be a network of experts and innovators all around the world that cares about the future of Villages.

I need to make some clarification before going on with this matter. It is very interesting that there was a generally receptive attitude to the existence of such a network,… Continue

Posted by Franz Nahrada on June 2, 2010 at 11:30am

Digital Villages

Thank you for inviting me here Franz. I have many stories to tell and many links to share so this may happen over time. I have been using the concept of "Digital Villages" for a while but it's really a metaphore for something more concrete. You may recall Franz that when you visited Teesside I used the concept of "Rivers" to describe where you were in the world and how my heritage and mindset was focussed by the three main rivers that define my region in the North East of England.

My… Continue

Posted by Steve Thompson on February 22, 2009 at 11:11pm — 1 Comment

Pamela McLean and Post Industrial Development in Africa

The following will be pubished in Michel Bauwens P2P blog and I also post it here:

"That is the opportunity that the development of Africa presents. Rural Africa missed out on the industrial revolution that raised the living standards of the industrial nations. It is a fresh canvas where we can paint a new picture of development. We can work together, learning from the mistakes of the past, using the sustainable technologies of the present, developing the technolgies of…

Posted by Franz Nahrada on October 20, 2009 at 8:59am


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