I have been working with Jack Drum Arts of County Durham on a Community Play based on the subject of the 1818 ³Battle of Stanhope². The play will run for 3 days in March 2012 in a barn in Stanhope.
Basically the story goes like this: the Napoleonic wars had ended and there was a lesser need for lead (bullets). Starving lead miners in Weardale turned to poaching to supplement their income. The Prince Bishop sent Gamekeepers on a mission and captured the Siddle brothers. Their friends…
Added by Steve Thompson on December 4, 2011 at 9:24am —
A new years message to Globalvillagers "We are the ones who still seem to be figuring out...
....how to be the ones we've been waiting for."
Tom Atlee, http://tom-atlee.posterous.com/are-we-the-ones
A happy new year 2011 to everybody, be it via the mailinglist or other channels !
I have not written to the communit(ies) for quite a long time and want to give an update on many points…
Added by Franz Nahrada on January 11, 2011 at 5:30pm —
1 Comment
What will the future bring us? In a very interesting
HubPage, Alla, who is originally from Latvia, former USSR, writes about how she views the future may turn out over the next 50 to 100 years. She is half Russian
by language and culture. Alla lives in Canada now since 1992. She is an
English-Russian translator and a teacher by…
Added by Franz Hrazdira on November 24, 2010 at 8:43pm —
1 Comment

Today I had a skype chat with Katri Sander from Communitytools - a project in development in Tallin, Estonia. She is project manager in this exciting and extraordinary endavour that means a lot to me. Communitytools is a very serious attempt to provide local communities all around the world with…
Added by Franz Nahrada on July 29, 2010 at 12:30pm —
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This post goes -identically - to the members of the NING Group 'Global Villages Network' and to the members of the yahoogroup 'globalvillages'.
This is going to be a rather lengthy letter with many messages overdue - and therefore it makes sense to start right away with a table of contents:
thank you for the effort to read this!
Top News
1. State of Global Villages Network, NING…
Added by Franz Nahrada on June 2, 2010 at 6:06pm —
I have gained some attention in Russia after writing to the governor of Archangelsk about an opportunity to support sound rural development with the help of a Global Villages Network. This network is supposed to be a network of experts and innovators all around the world that cares about the future of Villages.
I need to make some clarification before going on with this matter. It is very interesting that there was a generally receptive attitude to the existence of such a network,…
Added by Franz Nahrada on June 2, 2010 at 11:30am —
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Recently our friend Gleb Tyurin organized a high level meeting on innovative ways in rural development in the Region of Vologda (between Moscow and Archangelsk). A group of experts and local and federal policy makers awaited dialogue with external participants via videobridge. To my bad surprise, Gleb seemed to be very nervous in the morning when the conference started. We could only connect shortly and…
Added by Franz Nahrada on June 2, 2010 at 10:00am —
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The following will be pubished in Michel Bauwens P2P blog and I also post it here:
"That is the opportunity that the development of Africa presents. Rural Africa missed out on the industrial revolution that raised the living standards of the industrial nations. It is a fresh canvas where we can paint a new picture of development. We can work together, learning from the mistakes of the past, using the sustainable technologies of the present, developing the technolgies of…
Added by Franz Nahrada on October 20, 2009 at 8:59am —
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Hello everyone!
At the end of September Factor e Farm is hosting a workshop (just outside Maysville, MO) where we will build a "Compressed Earth Block (CEB) Vault Home". http://openfarmtech.org
We are looking for an experienced and creative bricklayer (from the area) to help us. Please contact us if you know of someone who fits this description.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Ingeburg (Inga) von Boehm-Bezing
Added by Ingeburg (Inga) von Boehm-Bezing on August 20, 2009 at 4:01pm —
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Do you want to live more simply and with socially conscious people? Are you reluctant to leave the city because the nice places seem like social deserts with alien languages? Do you want to spend less time paying your overheads and more time doing whatever you want?
We are a small group of tele-working professionals planning to spend the coming winter working in a warmer, cheaper, and more relaxed setting.
We invite fellow social entrepreneurs to join us and share…
Added by matslats on July 23, 2009 at 4:09pm —

The Government of India as a part of its state planning under the eleventh plan is promoting Small and Medium Enterprise to enhance the rural income and ensure rural development. National Afforestation and Eco-development Board as a working body of Ministry of Environment and Forests, is facilitating Joint Forest Management Committees for their sustenance by implementing seven Small and Medium Forest Enterprise pilot projects through its…
Added by SUSANTA BISWAS on July 13, 2009 at 5:30pm —
By Michel Bauwens,
Comment Franz Nahrada: This was the first in a series of external, global comments that will increasingly complement our interview in Regnum Magazine. I tag this with "ArchangelskChallenge". These comments are meant as a preparation and initial communication with Russian experts for figuring out the possible cooperation with Global Villages Network. I would like to invite all members… Continue
Added by Franz Nahrada on July 12, 2009 at 5:30pm —
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Comment Franz Nahrada: This is the second external comment in our "Archangelsk Challenge" series, and it is written from a sound base of experience with community development in Ireland
Interview with Aiden Lloyd who works with POBAL (Irish agency that manages local development programmes on behalf of the Irish Government and the EU).To be published in REGNUM magazine, Russia…

Added by Franz Nahrada on July 11, 2009 at 8:30pm —
1 Comment
I've been looking at information related to the Arkhangelsk region Franz has been writing about:
And so I have also been looking at information about Russian villages. Here are some pictures about one :
"This is one day from the random Russian village. The school, the household routine and the…
Added by Paul Fernhout on June 21, 2009 at 7:30am —
1 Comment
Franz invited me to blog about my dissertation I wrote for achieving the MSc in Holistic Science at Schumacher College, Devon, UK, in 2008. The thesis can be downloaded at
Holistic Science network at ning.com
I have traditionally been a pessimist, and I was more or less just waiting for a catastrophe to happen since I was 17. Environmental destruction, greed, financial and social turmoil…
Added by Fabio Barone on June 1, 2009 at 2:06pm —
1 Comment
Comment Franz Nahrada: A very comprehensive Interview that appeared in REGNUM magazine on the16th of February 2009 and opened a discussion space that all members of this
network are called to contribute to. The title is overtly opimistic, the decision
has not really been made yet, and it is also not clear how much this network is able to really evolve into a supportive entity. Therefore I call it the "Archangelsk Challenge".
Archangelsk region will help Russia… Continue
Added by Franz Nahrada on May 8, 2009 at 10:30am —
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In a separate communication, Franz Nahrada forwarded a link submitted by
Sandi Brockway to a
CNET article about the
Open Architecture Network. It may be of possible interest to GVN members.
The introductory quote from the article is as follows:
"The Open Architecture Network is an…
Added by Steve Bosserman on April 16, 2009 at 6:33pm —
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Added by Mark Cruthers on April 5, 2009 at 4:41am —
Thank you for inviting me here Franz. I have many stories to tell and many links to share so this may happen over time. I have been using the concept of "Digital Villages" for a while but it's really a metaphore for something more concrete. You may recall Franz that when you visited Teesside I used the concept of "Rivers" to describe where you were in the world and how my heritage and mindset was focussed by the three main rivers that define my region in the North East of England.
Added by Steve Thompson on February 22, 2009 at 11:11pm —
1 Comment
I like that mantra, reiterated many times after Tony Gwilliam gave it to me in a garden in Ojai somewhen in the early 90ies. Tony is now enjoying a quite healthy circumstance in his
Bloo Lagoon Village in Bali. Still for many health issues we have to refuge to cities
So it made me particularly happy that the linkages of the health community to Global Village issues is becoming stronger. I reccomend reading the recently published Interview of Claude…
Added by Franz Nahrada on January 19, 2009 at 9:30am —